
dimanche 6 février 2011

I’m the White Rabbit, a lot of you people think I'm a second grade character, but

and I'm saying that with modesty, I'm the most important character of the story;

otherwise, without me there’s no timeline or third dimension. I may be an anxious

being, not socially-inclined, but I deserve respect since I talk and wear clothes

like every human being. My coldness is necessary to be efficient at what I do;

otherwise,I couldn't discipline myself. Relationships would distract me and fail

me. My only master is Time. I'm completely submitted to him, so don’t expect

anything from me or you’ll lose time. I may look tired of running because of the

pink eyes but don’t fool yourself: I’ll never quit my duty. The advantage of always

having my head in the future is that I don't lose time thinking and I never regret

what’s in the past, so I never lose my focus of the moment. There's not much left

to say for now because the story is just beginning, but I hope to play a more

elaborate role in the future, so I'll have a lot more to say in the next part of the


3 commentaires:

  1. Hello there, I don't think we have met yet...

  2. Thanks to you White Rabbit. Because of you, I ended up in this magistic world, but now you should stop running and hold on. So, I can get a chance to meet you up personally.

  3. Time ... time ... what do they all have with time ...!? You are the most important character because otherwise there wouln't be a timeline ... but I don't think it's really important to anyone ... we live in a chaotic world that follows no rules ... so time has a relative place ... but it is ok with me white rabbit, I very much enjoy the way you run around ...
